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Sprouted seeds, what benefits and how to start? by Eric Viard

Sprouted seeds, what benefits and how to start? by Eric Viard

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Sprouted seeds are highly nutritious foods with strong alkalizing and remineralizing power. Szekely talks about biogenic foods: capable of molecular synthesis, they activate detoxification, regeneration, and self-healing processes within us.

What are the benefits of sprouted seeds?

Indeed, germination is a truly magical process for digestion and immunity: sprouted seeds are true enzyme concentrates! These enzymes will predigest the proteins, essential fatty acids, and carbohydrates ingested and multiply the value of amino acids, minerals, and trace elements. There are up to 20 times more proteins and 4 times more iron in sprouted seeds than in beef!
Similarly, germination increases the quality and assimilation of vitamins: vitamin C and B group vitamins are multiplied by 6 on average. This is referred to as "survival food." Consuming the equivalent of a tablespoon per meal ensures better breakdown and assimilation of nutrients, with a global anti-inflammatory action. Their fibers and antioxidants also have a hypoglycemic effect and protect the cardiovascular system.

To learn more about the topic, we recommend our article on the benefits of sprouted seeds.

How to grow sprouted seeds at home?

Most seeds grow without a substrate, in contact with a smooth surface, for example in a glass jar with a perforated lid or in a hemp bag: the container must allow air and water to pass through. It is advisable to rinse the seeds morning and evening with filtered water.
It is recommended to wait until the sprouts are 1.5 cm long before consuming them (an average of 5 days of germination). To stop germination, simply place the seeds in the refrigerator, in a jar that allows air circulation (perforated, or closed with a piece of burlap...). For hygiene reasons, seeds should not be kept for more than 3 days in the fridge. Handle them with clean utensils or hands to avoid bacterial growth! Ensure the seeds do not dry out and rinse them with clear water before consumption.

Our Easygreen sprouters allow you to grow even the most difficult seeds with ease. It operates without supervision: soaking, watering... it takes care of everything! You only need to monitor the water level... and harvest. Even in your absence, the seeds benefit from pure and energized water, and our devices are very easy to clean. No more risks of drying out or mold: this small indoor garden provides you with fresh and nutritious foods of unparalleled purity all year round.

Which sprouted seeds germinate easily?

Our 24 varieties of organic seeds have been selected for their high germination capacity. They are available in economical bulk packaging and smaller packets to try new varieties.

Some tips for choosing:

Note, some seeds, known as "mucilaginous" cannot sprout on a smooth surface and require the use of a substrate. This is the case for arugula, basil, and chia.
Small natural fiber germination mats, designed for the Easygreen Light sprouter but can be cut if needed, will allow you to grow them with ease.

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