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organic chia seed sprout proteins
Organic chia seeds to germinate | Bavicchi
chia seeds
Seeds for sprouter raw food
organic chia seed sprout proteins
Organic chia seeds to germinate | Bavicchi
chia seeds
Seeds for sprouter raw food

Organic chia seeds

Chia seeds to germinate, in doypack of 400g or bag of 5kgs

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Organic chia seeds to germinate

Chia seeds are real superfoods! They can also be used conventionally, non-germinated.

Soaking: The seeds should not be soaked but rinsed and moistened 2 times a day using a spray or mist to keep them barely moist, without drowning them.

Germination: 7 days. Chia seeds are mucilaginous seeds and cannot germinate directly on an airtight flat surface. They require a substrate, and cannot germinate properly in the absence of the germination medium which stabilizes the gel they produce.

Biovie has developed small hemp germination mats specifically intended for the germination of mucilaginous seeds in the Easygreen automatic sprouter. These mats can also be used in a suitable rectangular container. More infomation here : mats
You can also use the glass seed sprouter, to find here.

Their advantages:

• Gluten-free, they offer you a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals (Per 100 g of chia: 500 mg of calcium, 535 mg of phosphorus, 290 mg of magnesium, 6.5 mg of iron, 3.5 mg of zinc & copper) and contain little sodium (less than 0.2 mg).

• They contain between 22 and 30% proteins, including all the essential amino acids.

• The tryptophan they contain helps increase melatonin and serotonin levels, which promote good mood and restful sleep.

• Chia is rich in fiber (30%), mostly soluble. These fibers are not digested by the body and pass intact through the digestive tract to the large intestine. They help lower cholesterol levels and slow the absorption of glucose into the blood by moderating insulin secretion. Chia also contains insoluble fibers, which are effective in cases of constipation because they accelerate intestinal transit. Their strong satiating power makes them a good ally in weight loss.

• Rich in omega 3 (16 to 20%), chia seeds ensure good nervous and lymphatic circulation, and the fluidity of the arteries. They also contain 5 to 8% omega 6 gamma-linoleic type.

• They can absorb 14 times their weight in water. Used in gel form, after soaking for 10 minutes, they are an excellent asset in cooking and baking.

Packaging: doypack of 400g or 5kgs

- DMD: for the 400g bag, DMD of 3 years after the date of production, for the 5kgs bag, DMD of 1 year after the date of production. 

Delivery: everywhere except Overseas Departments and Territories

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