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    Biovie sea water spray 100mL
    Ibiza and Formentera marine plasma spray in glass
    quinton hypertonic hair
    Biovie sea water spray 100mL
    Ibiza and Formentera marine plasma spray in glass
    quinton hypertonic hair

    100ML Marine Plasma Spray

    Hypertonic marine plasma, harvested in the open sea and ultrafiltered.
    Small bottle format with spray, for simplified use in cooking.

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    Minerals in spray for maximum Vitality.


    Mineralize and alkalize your body with marine plasma.
    Marine plasma is an excellent nutrient for the body as it contains all the minerals and trace elements in an organic and bioavailable form.
    This sea water is ultra-filtered and then packaged in 100mL glass bottles to maintain the highest quality.

    🌊 How to use it?

    Marine plasma spray is ideal for replacing salt on the table. A few sprays directly onto your plate allow you to season the dish while enriching it with the numerous minerals and trace elements that make up sea water. Say goodbye to the traditional salt shaker and uninteresting regular salt, and welcome the marine plasma spray!

    It can also be used for the hygiene of the nose and eyes.
    For any other use, please consult directly with your naturopath/health practitioner.


    🌊 Sea water contains a large amount of minerals (almost all the elements of the periodic table) but in an inorganic form. To become assimilable by the body, sea water must go through plankton: a phenomenon occurs which transforms the inorganic minerals into a bioavailable ionic form, thereby making them assimilable by our body.
    Minerals and trace elements are the "fuel" our body uses for most of its functions, and they are necessary for all our cells to function optimally.
    The pH of marine plasma is alkaline and ranges between 8.1 and 8.4. It helps the body maintain an ideal pH through homeostasis. Therefore, it's an excellent choice for alkaline diets, for example. For more information, visit the "Health Benefits" tab of this page.

    🌊 How is this sea water collected?

    The company Ibiza & Formentera Agua de Mar was founded by Alfonso and David following health problems that were greatly improved thanks to marine plasma. Therefore, they pay very special attention to the quality of this sea water and respect as much as possible the biological and subtle phenomena of the water in order to preserve all its trace elements, minerals, and beneficial components intact.

    The collection of sea water for bottled plasma is very rigorous. Before capturing, analyses are carried out using probes to ensure that the water conforms to the expected parameters; Alfonso and David even taste a direct sample!
    Collection is done in the open sea far from beaches and densely populated areas, capturing between 15 and 25 m in areas where the minimum depth varies between 40 and 100 m, and where plankton concentration is maximal (mainly in vortices created by the confluence of several marine currents), no collection during summer when it's too hot... these are some of the very precise parameters they follow for each collection.
    The water is then micro-filtered between 4 and 5°C (when the density is best) then ultra-filtered (0.01 microns) and finally allowed to rest before being bottled.

    Very thorough controls are carried out on each batch to guarantee water free from pollutants, hydrocarbons, micro-plastics, heavy metals, or pathogenic agents.

    Meet the two founders of Ibiza & Formentera Agua de Mar and discover in images how the collection takes place in the video below. You'll learn more about their ecological commitment, their analysis methods, and the guarantees of the quality of the marine plasma:

    🌊 Where is this sea water collected?

    The islands of Ibiza and Formentera were not chosen by chance for the harvesting of marine plasma. It is important that the water comes from the Mediterranean Sea, as it is the only ecosystem that brings together these advantages:
    - Posidonia seagrass meadows (oxygen production and CO2 capture)
    - protected areas under Natura 2000, UNESCO, and "marine protected areas"
    - very strict maritime regulations (concerning used products and traffic)
    - no nuclear pollution

    The collection is mainly carried out on the west coast of the island of Ibiza, the area richest in Posidonia seagrass meadows, plankton, and therefore marine life, and where ocean currents keep the sea water perfectly clean.

    Eric Viard explains in detail the importance of each of these parameters in this video:

    🌊 What are the differences between the bottle, the BIB (Bag-in-Box), and Quinton water?

    This is one of the most frequently asked questions. Here is a quick comparison to help you see more clearly:

    BIB Bottle
    micro-filtration 0,22 micronmicro-filtered then ultra-filtered
    at 0,01 micron
    cold processedcold processed
    harvested at 5 m depthharvested at 25 m depth
    with very precise tests BEFORE harvesting

    The René Quinton process is a patented method. It uses double filtration under very controlled conditions, and over 100 parameters are evaluated post-harvest. Therefore, it requires a specific certification to use this name.
    The Ibiza & Formentera bottled marine plasma, with its ultrafiltration, uses the same process. Its final quality is identical and can therefore be used in the same way as Quinton water.

    Minerals are the "fuel" primarily used by our body, necessary for our cells to perform their functions optimally. They are also essential for the absorption of vitamins and are responsible for the cells' enzymatic processes. The problem today is that our mineral intake through food has significantly decreased. And why is that? The answer is quite simple: pollution, soil depletion due to intensive agricultural production, and our stressful lifestyle have greatly reduced the quality and mineral content of our food, drastically diminishing the minimal contribution needed for the proper functioning of the body. Cells need to perform all their functions with maximum vitality and the precise capacity of organic, bioavailable, and alkaline cellular nutrition. Therefore, seawater becomes the best mineral drink since it contains all elements of the Mendeleev periodic table.

    Another great advantage of seawater is its pH. As Otto Warbürg, the father of cellular respiration and double Nobel laureate, said, "all diseases are acidic, and where there is oxygen and alkalinity, there can be no disease." Due to the quality of our raw material, the hyperoxygenated waters of Posidonia meadows (recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage site in 1999) and the sea currents providing purity and clarity. Ibiza and Formentera Agua de Mar have an alkaline pH, ranging between 8.1 and 8.4, which will help the body maintain a neutral pH through homeostasis. Ingesting seawater is advised for controlling and maintaining our pH, as well as being an exceptional supplement for alkaline diets.

    The antioxidant and anti-acidity power produced by seawater is due to the alkalinity provided by the minerals.

    Seawater also helps us stay young: regularly and cyclically, the body regenerates all its cells, as their lifespan is limited in time. As we age, one of the first abilities a cell loses is the capacity to hydrate. We know that the older we get, the less we drink, so drinking and ingesting seawater can help us "reawaken" this hydration ability that, when we are young, we naturally have in our body. Seawater contains between 35 and 38 grams/liter of dissolved salts. That's why it's so important to have alkaline foods in our diet. If our internal environment becomes acidic, the first thing the body will try to do is to make its pH alkaline, and how does it do this? It mainly resorts to its calcium reserves to extinguish this "fire," and this calcium is most readily available for the body in the first resource, the bones. It's easy to understand that this mechanism leads to vulnerabilities.
    By ingesting seawater, we can control and maintain our pH, keep our bones healthy, and improve our digestion. Different universities are currently studying the nutritional and therapeutic benefits of seawater, such as the University of Malaga, La Laguna (Tenerife), Antioquia (Colombia), and Nouakchott (Mauritania). Common features between blood and seawater include homeostasis (self-regulation of properties), a specific and similar presence of trace elements (essential chemical element), and both also have antibiotic and self-regenerative power. At the International Congress of Thalassotherapy in Cannes in 1957, De La Farge stated that seawater is only bactericidal for pathogenic bacteria.

    To better understand these phenomena and learn more, watch this video by Eric Viard:
    In cooking, seawater enhances and improves the taste of many foods without masking their authentic flavor. Thus, food prepared with seawater retains its original flavor and nothing else. Cooking with seawater provides all the minerals and trace elements in a healthy and natural way, making it the best substitute for ordinary salt (sodium chloride).
    Seawater has such a varied chemical composition that it cannot be artificially synthesized. What exactly does this mean?
    Seawater cannot be manufactured, as it contains many elements in trace amounts that make an "industrial" or "domestic" synthesis - that is, mixing water with salt and minerals - unconvincing. Such a mixture is simply saltwater that lacks the specific properties of seawater.
    The salt we can buy does not contain all the mineral salts and trace elements already dissolved in seawater. Most of the commercially available salt loses a significant portion of the components found in seawater during processing, drying, and refining, leaving only sodium and chlorine. And that's not to mention the addition of additives by some brands.
    Therefore, even if derived from the sea, ordinary salt is nothing like seawater: it's simply sodium chloride (NaCl).

    The internal environment of the body and seawater perform the same functions, one in relation to cells and the other in relation to the microorganisms of the marine ecosystem. In both cases, they maintain the physical and chemical conditions conducive to the development of life. Thus, both are mineral environments whose homeostasis and chemical structure result from biological regulation. Moreover, analysis shows that their respective compositions are identical.

    However, composition alone is not sufficient to demonstrate the concrete therapeutic properties of marine plasma. Indeed, the study of the living world shows that the simple nature of an element does not determine its biological properties, but rather the specific form and structure in which it is present. Biochemistry differs from mineral chemistry not in the nature of the atoms studied but in the structures characteristic of living matter in which these atoms are combined. Biochemistry reveals that the activity of molecules essentially depends on their spatial configuration, to name just one factor whose importance is decisive in the study of enzymes, hormones, nucleic acids, etc.

    When studying the chemical structure of seawater, of which many aspects are still unknown, two constants emerge:

    - On one hand, the salts that make up the saline matrix of marine waters have a different solubility product than the same salts dissolved in distilled water. Therefore, the hydration of marine salts is not only due to their specific nature, but also owes its particular properties to the transformation of these elements within the cycles of the ecosystem. One can speak of the dynamization of marine elements. In fact, the saline matrix of marine waters constitutes a unique natural environment that is practically impossible to artificially replicate. This specific hydration of the salts conditions the physical characteristics of the water itself, a substrate of metabolism.

    - On the other hand, as in its composition, the nature of the salts and the way the different elements are present in the saline matrix of marine waters are close to what is found in the internal environment of the body.

    From a therapeutic standpoint, it's precisely the specific form of trace elements and mineral salts that interests us, as we seek the actions they induce. This is the fundamental hypothesis on which the entire study of the concept of marine plasma is based, first presented in 1897 by René Quinton: "There is a physiological identity between marine plasma and human plasma." That is, marine plasma has the same ability as human plasma to serve as a mineral support for cellular life. It's not at all a simple saline solution whose composition is close to that of extracellular fluid, but an authentic physiological serum in perfect osmosis with the internal environment, fully satisfying the mineral needs of cells.

    A reminder: what is blood plasma?

    Our blood is composed of red and white blood cells and platelets, all suspended in blood plasma > a liquid that is the true means of transport for all these blood cells. It consists of 90% water and a multitude of compounds: dissolved trace elements and ions, lipids, proteins, metabolic waste, hormones...



    Our suppliers from Ibiza harvest seawater by boat under the best possible conditions, closely following the recommendations of René Quinton. As far as we know, and unless proven otherwise, only five companies in the world harvest in this way by boat (others collect from the shores). Moreover, they employ the most advanced technologies in "sensitive" water analysis, being the representatives in Spain of the Masaru Emoto Foundation and the only ones in Spain to own a darkfield microscope.
    Regarding the process: the water is collected at the right moment in the high seas, in an area ranging from 40 to 200 meters in depth. The collection occurs between 15 and 25 meters deep, in areas favored for their great stability in mineral composition and rich in biomarine activity (the vortexes that concentrate plankton).

    To learn more, we have created an explanatory video about the harvesting of seawater as well as the different processes used to obtain bottled marine plasma and the one obtained in Bag-In-Box packaging.

    Following our meeting with our suppliers, we were very surprised by the different existing practices of seawater harvesting around the world. We seek the best international suppliers for all our products, and we travel globally to see how they operate. When it does not meet our standards, we impose our own specifications (as with olive wood plates, dehydrated seaweed below 40°C, coconuts, etc.) to ensure optimal quality.

    According to our information, many European companies pump water from ports, beaches, the coast, desalination units of seawater, or even salt wells inland.

    Our supplier harvests hypertonic marine plasma by boat in areas where planktonic activity is maximal, and where Posidonia meadows ensure excellent oxygenation. That being said, harvesting in a vortex, which is the icing on the cake, is not guaranteed 100%. It can be partial or even absent upon the boat's arrival in these intensely marine life zones. The reason is material: the vortexes are of varying, ephemeral, and random durations, so they do not allow for water harvesting for a very long time and over very large volumes. The arguments you may find here and there about harvesting in vortexes from the coastline (not by boat) deserve thorough examination...

    Moreover, our suppliers use four methods of water quality analysis:

        Water Crystals (Masaru Emoto)
        Darkfield Microscopy
        Moratherapy (Jean Marie Danze)
        Bio-Well technology (Korotov)

    Here is a very simple question to ask your regular marine plasma supplier for more clarity:

    «How and under what conditions is the seawater collected in your operation, do you have photos or videos of your boats and your harvesting?»

    The harvesting of the best quality marine plasma must be done at specific sites in the presence of high concentrations of planktons (blooms) that spontaneously appear after a few days of good weather without wind and in certain seasons (not in summer, the water is too warm) in specific locations where marine currents conducive to the formation of mobile vortexes (like cyclones) meet.
    Vortexes and plankton blooms are natural and ephemeral phenomena that occur in certain places only when these particular conditions are met. It's about being in the right place at the right time. A boat seems to me the only serious possibility to be able to harvest in this way.

    There is always a lot of information about the location, the transformation of seawater, and its multiple uses by companies that commercialize it. I have never seen a single photo or video of a harvesting boat, and the exact and precise modalities of the harvest are very rarely mentioned, even though these seem to me to be primary and essential points.

    Being an agronomist, these points always interest me: sourcing of the highest possible quality.

    - DMD: 3 years after production date

    - Packaging: the seawater is packaged in glass bottles, with a spray cap and a cover.

    - Storage: at room temperature, in a cool and dry place.

    - Ultra-filtration at 0.01 micron - the process closest to that of René Quinton.

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