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    raw muesli with blackberries and rosehip, organic, healthy, balanced breakfast
    Raw muesli with white mulberries and rosehip - organic | Croc'Envie
    raw muesli range by Biovie for a healthy breakfast
    Raw muesli with white mulberries and rosehip - organic | Croc'Envie
    raw muesli with blackberries and rosehip, organic, healthy, balanced breakfast
    Raw muesli with white mulberries and rosehip - organic | Croc'Envie
    raw muesli range by Biovie for a healthy breakfast
    Raw muesli with white mulberries and rosehip - organic | Croc'Envie

    White mulberries muesli - raw, organic

    Raw and organic muesli with superfoods, gluten-free and without added sugar. With white mulberries and rosehips, 1kg bag.

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    EXCLUSIVITY: Super Muesli with tigernuts, white mulberries and rosehips

    Exceptional product! A mix of the best superfoods associated in a very gourmet recipe, we should have thought about that!

    Hemp, activated buckwheat, dehydrated mulberries, rosehip, explosive spices: ginger, turmeric, cardamom and cinnamon. Each ingredient has been selected by Croc'enVie for the excellence of its nutritional properties and their combination generates a beneficial food synergy.
    It is true that we do not always know with what to combine these different ingredients when they are alone, this muesli is a perfect answer that combines the right amount of nutrients to a crispy and melting texture at the same time, with a very pleasant taste and pronounced spices.

    This preparation is handcrafted in Brittany, in compliance with the rules of living foods, with organic products only. Dehydration at low temperature (<42°) preserves the active principles of all these ingredients.
    This muesli is an energy concentrate rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, respecting a good glycemic balance thanks to the tigernuts and the date which slowly release glucose in the body.
    No sugar is added, the muesli is also gluten-free.

    Rich in Omega 3, fiber, Iron and Magnesium.

    🟤 How to use it?

    It is an ideal contribution for a breakfast, a snack or a dessert. It can also be used in salads for an original sweet-salty note.

    We recommend mixing it with cut fruit, a smoothie, yogurt, fruit juice, vegetable milk or even a green salad. The ground chia seed, thanks to its mucilage, will give a creamy texture to the preparation (after a few minutes of rest).
    You can add honey or any other natural sweetener if the taste is not sweet enough for your palate.

    The proportion is approximately one volume of Raw Muesli - i.e. 3 tablespoons (about 40 grams) - for 2 volumes of fruit.

    🟤 Zoom in on the ingredients

    Ginger and turmeric: prepared by Croc'enVie from fresh ginger and turmeric, dehydrated for a long time at 42°C to preserve their properties and nutrients, then reduced to powder. Used together, the synergy of their active ingredients multiplies their respective benefits: antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

    White mulberry: it is the fruit of the silk mulberry tree, it is a very good natural sweetener. Source of iron and C vitamin, it is antioxidant and has resveratrol in particular. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine for minor common ailments and even to slow down the appearance of white hair!

    Cynorhodon: it is the false fruit of the rosehip or wild rose. Thanks to its natural richness in A, C, E vitamins and minerals, it is an excellent stimulant of vitality.

    Activation of buckwheat: the buckwheat seeds have been sprouted before being dehydrated at low temperature (=activated). In this way they can be eaten raw. Germination also activates their nutritional potential which is used in the formation of the plant, the activated seed then provides amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, etc. in quantities. Much more than when she was "asleep".

    Hemp: Shelled hemp seeds are one of the most nutritionally complete foods. They contain essential fatty acids, a very high protein rate and above all all 8 essential amino acids. And then, their little hazelnut taste is very appreciated!

    Tigernut: this is the same one we sell here on the store. Find all the information about this little tuber directly on its product sheet.

    Mazafati dates: very soft, soft and sweet variety. It brings the sweet touch to this muesli, quite naturally.

    Raw Mulberries Muesli is rich in Fibre, Omega 3, Iron and Magnesium. But that's not all !

    Tigernuts are a better source of omega 9 than olive oil! It is also full of C, E vitamins and antioxidants (rutin) to fight against free radicals.
    Alkalinizing, remineralizing and energizing, the tigernut is richer in potassium than bananas, which makes it a good blood pressure regulator and muscle protector. It also stimulates the absorption of calcium.
    It contains many amino acids and particularly arginine, which protects blood flow and fights cramps and headaches.
    Rich in insoluble fibers (about 33%), it nourishes the body's good bacteria and reduces the risk of colon cancer. These fibers, its low glycemic index and its content of B8 vitamin (biotin) are of great help in case of diabetes or hypertension. They ensure the proper metabolism of carbohydrates and reduce blood sugar levels after meals.

    Dates are rich in fibers, so they regulate intestinal transit and relieve constipation. The potassium they contain ensures communication between neurons and other cells of the body, it is among other things a protector of the nervous system. Dates bring you many vitamins (C, B1, B2) but especially iron! Which is ideal for avoiding anemia and managing your production of red blood cells. Finally, they will settle your stomach and quickly reduce the feeling of hunger.

    Buckwheat contains very good quality proteins, it is also richer in arginine, aspartic acid and lysine, with levels almost three times higher than those of other cereals (study here). Protein makes up 10% to 12% of its dry weight, placing it just above wheat.
    Antioxidant: It contains phenolic compounds in large numbers, including caffeic acid, ferulic acid, hydrobenzoic acid, and coumaric acid. They are involved in the prevention of cancers and certain cardiovascular diseases. It also contains six flavonoids, including rutin, the majority in buckwheat seed, is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and could relieve the symptoms of venous insufficiency (including varicose veins and heavy legs).
    Buckwheat is a source of nutrients of all kinds: copper, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, B1, B3, B9 vitamins... It actively participates in the proper functioning of our body's mechanisms!

    Hemp is rich in proteins: we find 2x more in a portion of seeds than in an egg! The two main proteins in hemp seeds are edestin and albumin. Both of these high quality storage proteins are easily digested and contain good amounts of all essential amino acids (which most plant proteins don't).
    Rich in B1, B6, B9 vitamins & source of E vitamin. Rich in Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Potassium.
    A real nutritional nugget! This antioxidant cocktail fights, among other things, against stress, fatigue and hypertension. The high potassium content makes it an alkalizing food.
    Hemp is a source of omega 3 and 6. These fatty acids are not produced by the body and must therefore be assimilated through food. They are essential for the proper functioning of our brain, our retina and our entire nervous system.

    Chia has a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals (per 100 g of chia: 500 mg of calcium, 535 mg of phosphorus, 290 mg of magnesium, 6.5 mg of iron, 3.5 mg of zinc & copper) and contain little sodium (less than 0.2 mg).
    Chia seeds contain between 22 and 30% proteins, including all the essential amino acids.
    The tryptophan they contain increases the levels of melatonin and serotonin, which promote good mood and restful sleep.
    Rich in omega 3 (16 to 20%), chia seeds ensure good nervous and lymphatic circulation, and the fluidity of the arteries. They also contain 5 to 8% of omega 6 of the gamma-linoleic type.

    The rosehip is also known as the famous "itching hair", because of its irritating hairs for the skin and mucous membranes. Of course there is no trace of it in your muesli. The "fruit" itself has 20 times more C vitamin than the orange! It is an ally of choice during the winter to fight colds, flu and other cold viruses. It contains E, PP vitamins and A pro-vitamin as well as minerals like zinc, iron and magnesium.
    It is also traditionally used against diarrhea and asthenia (generalized fatigue).

    White mulberries are interesting for their antioxidant effect. The presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, iron and C vitamin enable it to be associated with protective effects against free radicals and against neurological degeneration (study)
    Animal studies have shown very good anti-cholesterol, anti-obesity potential and hepatoprotective effects. However, more human studies are expected.

    The spices in this muesli invigorate, fortify and stimulate. The feeling of warmth stimulates the body, gives a boost in the event of temporary fatigue and will boost our immune defences. The powerful antioxidant effect of the ginger + turmeric + cinnamon combo strengthens the cells of our body and fights against the harmful effects of oxidative stress.
    This combo is also anti-inflammatory: it could therefore relieve the pain associated with small benign inflammations such as for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago, uveitis and other chronic diseases.
    These spices used in Ayurveda for centuries, contain many other uses that contribute to the overall well-being of our body.


    Based in Brittany, in Ploemeur, Armand puts all his energy into producing super healthy and super good raw food. He tries to source his ingredients in Brittany (like seaweed, hemp or spirulina) and works with local partners for products that come from afar. It is therefore natural that an exclusive collaboration was made with Biovie. Armand explains his journey:

    “I became interested in living foods early in my life, in my twenties, after reading the book: Essenne Way: Biogenic Living by Edmond Szekely.
    At that time I practiced yoga intensely and I aspired to understand the principles of a harmonious diet. I was passionate about seed activation and germination.

    After several Ayurvedic stays in South India, I became particularly interested in the regenerative potential of the organism. Following health problems of members of my family, I looked for solutions to help them reform their diet. From this experience came the motivation to create raw food compositions to facilitate the transition to a living diet; keystone for a return to health.

    There are many ways to benefit from good nutritional intake, I wanted to bring together the main recommendations and simplify their use thanks to preparations concentrated in nutrients and active ingredients. I create blends that allow you to simply create instant preparations to combine with raw fruits and vegetables, facilitating the transition to a living diet.

    My 7 years of experience as a restaurateur enabled me to acquire the skills to create a food production laboratory. I develop my recipes with high standards, the search for taste and texture are obviously at the very heart of my approach.

    I regularly lead workshops in my laboratory on vegetable milks, sprouted seeds, lacto-fermentation. »

    We recommend that you stop by his place if you are near Ploemeur!

    Packaging: transparent vacuum bag, 1 kg.

    Ingredients: Flaked tigernuts*, Mazafati dates*, shelled hemp*, sprouted buckwheat*, ground chia*, white mulberries* (10%), rosehip (6%), raw ginger*, raw turmeric*, cardamom*, cinnamon*.
    *ingredients from organic farming.

    Rich in fiber, no added sugar, no preservatives.

    DMD: 12 months after production

    Storage: Store in the tightly closed bag or in an airtight container, in a cool, dry place.

    Nutritional values for 100 g% RDA
    Energy367 kcal / 1552 kJ
    Proteins9 g
    Lipids16,3 g
    whose saturated fats2,6 g
    whose Omega 32,8 g112%
    Carbohydrates47,1 g
    whose sugar25,4 g
    Fibers10,7 g43%
    Salt0 g
    C vitamin38,5 mg35%
    Iron9,2 mg84%
    Magnesium164 mg39%

    RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance (for 100g of muesli)

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