looking for an addictive gourmet + good for health + economic?

- raw and gluten-free - is the perfect substitute for industrial cereals and mueslis!
these flakes are consumed such as what or in your preparations in the way of oat. Above all, they offer the body a very complete intake of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (vitamin e, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium). The sauce is also a better source of omega 9 than olive oil!


rich in fibre and a source of prebiotics, the saucer the friend of the intestinal microbiota: a food that is more particularly filled. It's very simple, we're talking about "survival food": according to the German biologist and chemist walter scharz, 30g of usat daily would be enough to cover our basic nutrient needs!

Trying it is adopting it! its sweet naturally sweet taste with hints of hazelnut delights small and large

certified ecocert