Unheated Illite Clay, 1kg bag
We have been using clay for over twenty years with our six children and we have discovered The Clays of the Sun A few years ago, they became part of our family and travel health kit. We decided to list and offer you these clays, which are truly top quality, in France and perhaps in the world, as we are particularly well-positioned in France for clays.
💚 For more information, also check out our blog articles:
> Clay and Skin Type: How to Make the Right Choice ?
> Green clay face mask: how to achieve perfect skin ?
> How to use clay for your baby ?
💚 The health-related information in the videos below is based on the authors' experience and research. The authors of these videos do not provide medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a medical treatment. We disclaim any responsibility for personal or collective consequences related to the use of the information contained in these videos:
💚 Les Argiles du Soleil stand out from the clays typically found on the market and in pharmacies because they are:
- raw without transformation,
- not heated, simply sun-dried,
- unwashed,
- non-ionized,
- not tested on animals.
They therefore retain all their natural properties and their entire exchange surface.
Illite green clay, with its good adsorbing power, is the multifunctional Swiss army knife of clays. For external use, it is particularly recommended for skin with a tendency towards mild acne. It is a common clay, high in calcite and low in magnesium, mainly used for its ability to adsorb impurities and waste, and its capacity to reduce sebum.
This small business located in Mons in the Gard works exclusively with clays from Vaucluse and Drôme, and provides sun-dried clays without any thermal intervention of absolutely exceptional quality. The Clays of the Sun are exported worldwide and are recommended by Dr. Jade Allègre, THE French specialist in clay. Discover a summary of his medical thesis on the use of clay internally on his site, or else his full thesis.
Environmental and social commitments of Argiles du Soleil:
- Packaging: Available in a 1kg bag.
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