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    Ghassoul Certified Ecocert Organic Shampoo
    Untreated Ecocert certified ghassoul
    Ghassoul Certified Ecocert Shampoo
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    natural shampoo made with pure ghassoul
    Natural hair care with Biovie ghassoul
    Ghassoul Certified Ecocert Organic Shampoo
    Untreated Ecocert certified ghassoul
    Ghassoul Certified Ecocert Shampoo
    raw ghassoul in paste form
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    Natural hair care with Biovie ghassoul

    Untreated Ghassoul Certified by Ecocert

    Ecocert certified Ghassoul, 500g

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    Ghassoul certified by Ecocert, for body and hair

    Four years ago, on the occasion of staying in an ecovillage, I discovered that I could abandon my organic shampoo in its plastic packaging and its endless list of ingredients in original latin which are beyong understanding for me. Rassal clay replaces very advantageously the soap and provides in-credible softness to hair and skin because its function is completely different from a detergent (shampoo or soap).

    Stripping the skin and hair or feeding them?
    What we are offering at high consumption level, organic or not, is to clean regularly the skin and hair up (to strip them!) with detergents destroying the first protective barrier of our body, the very thin hydrolipidic film on the surface of the skin whose function is to protect the skin against the sun, the wind, the external poisonous chemicals as well as the dehydration of the inside to the outside. This film is the first agent of the epidermis immune system.

    skin structure

    Detergents will also, at the same time, change the skin ecosystem by altering the pH in particular, and cause disturbances in the saprophytic wildlife, attacking the stratum corneum of the epidermis and enables water and various other substances contained in the used detergent, whether it is soap or shampoo, to penetrate deeper into the epidermis. Some of these substances will have a beneficial contribution, others will damage the skin or be toxic, allergenic, dehydrating. Sensitive skins know it well... we offer then to moisturize our skin with moisturizers, the solution for the problem that we create from scratch!

    How many normal skin became dry by dint of cleaning? The elimination of the hydrolipidic film indeed causes dehydration that we feel as soon as we are dry: a sensation of dry skin pulling.

    Instructions for use
    The Ghassoul clay slabs are used as they are, diluted with water. For your shampoo, if you wish, you can of course add a drop of essential oil to your preparation, based on your hair type (see suggestions below). Package of 500g

    Préparer un récipient qui fermera hermétiquement pour votre douche ou votre bain dans lequel vous mettrez une quantité équivalente de Ghassoul et d'eau. Les plaquettes vont rapidement se dissoudre pour former une pâte homogène que vous pourrez utiliser immédiatement en enduisant vos cheveux ou en utilisant la pâte obtenue comme un savon liquide.

    Suggestions of essential oils to use on an optional basis in your preparation of shampoo (a drop maximum by shampoo):

    Dry hair:

    • sandalwood essential oil
    • sage essential oil
    • lavender essential oil
    • geranium essential oil
    • rosemary essential oil
    • ylang-ylang essential oil

    Oily hair:

    • rosemary essential oil
    • juniper essential oil
    • sage essential oil
    • tea tree essential oil
    • grapefruit essential oil
    • cypress essential oil
    • cedar essential oil
    • lemongrass essential oil
    • petitgrain bigarade essential oil
    • lemon essential oil
    • basil essential oil
    • lavender essential oil


    • tea tree essential oil
    • sandalwood essential oil
    • bergamot essential oil
    • lavender essential oil
    • rosemary essential oil
    • petitgrain bigarade essential oil
    • cedar essential oil
    • sage essential oil
    • patchouli essential oil

    Hair loss:

    • rosemary essential oil
    • lemon essential oil
    • juniper essential oil
    • geranium essential oil
    • ginger essential oil

    Dull, brittle, damaged hair:

    • ylang-ylang essential oil
    • sage essential oil
    • chamomile essential oil
    • lemongrass essential oil
    • lavender essential oil
    • sandalwood essential oil
    • geranium essential oil
    • lemon essential oil
    • rosemary essential oil

    Ghassoul has the ability to fix the fat and the impurities in aqueous environment by absorbing them like a sponge. With no surfactant, it doesn’t have the disadvantage like these detergents to strip the first protection surface, the hydrolipidic film present at the level of the skin and hair, and so, doesn’t irritate the sebaceous glands.

    Associated with the Middle East to hammam ritual, the ghassoul is a volcanic origin clay, which is harvested in the Middle Atlas chain in Morocco. Ghassoul clay in slabs, is used with little water and turns into an extremely soft dough as a shampoo or soap, which is pleasant to the skin.

    Packaging: paper packaging containing 500 grams of pure clay slabs. This product is certified by Ecocert, 100% clay.

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