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The 8 benefits of the walking desk mat

The 8 benefits of the walking desk mat

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This article inaugurates a new section of the blog where Aurélie and I will share our health practices, physical activities, and virtuous routines with you. As for me, I have been interested in natural health and prevention since my teenage years, and I recall always being intrigued by tools that could help maintain good vitality. We use a number of health-related objects and practices in our daily lives. and we have decided to share our routines and practices with you in this new section.

So, we reviewed the innovative tools we were using. We contacted the manufacturers of the devices we use to ask for a discount for our blog readers. Our underlying idea is to share our virtuous lifestyle with as many people as possible, and in this section, we will only present devices that we have Tested and adopted over the long term.

Leaving the seated position at the desk

In November 2022, I, along with our team, was at the heart of a particularly intense and challenging professional event in Paris, the Marjolaine fair, which spans 10 full days - excluding setup and takedown - with an evening event. I arrived at this event already mentally and physically exhausted, and the fair (an extraordinary moment, but extremely demanding) took a toll on my physical health. By the end of the 12 days, I was literally exhausted. I then reviewed various daily habits that I could change to recover and prevent a recurrence of such exhaustion. I had already been without an office chair for years, working on the floor on a mat. At that moment, I decided to permanently get rid of my floor desk and adopt a walking desk mat. I believe this was one of the best health decisions I have made in a long time.

So I created a custom desk that would meet different needs: being able to work and concentrate while exercising. and be able to continue working on my vision by working against a window. In a traditional office, one is confined, and the gaze never extends beyond a few meters; our eyes become lazy, and our vision atrophies. I also wanted to break away from that. Our eyes need to see beyond 3 meters regularly throughout the day. Before exploring what a treadmill desk with adjustable speed offers, here is a short report that France 3 filmed for a segment at 1 minute and 20 seconds into the video It seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?

By the way, this report is dedicated to the Easygreen Sol sprouter that we manufacture:

To summarize regarding sedentary behavior, the main factor contributing to our inactive lifestyle is the use of technology and the erosion of dynamic and changing physical stations.

Technology has introduced more inactive modes of transportation, led to an increase in office work, and developed more activities that can be done while sitting.

Overall, sedentary jobs have increased by 83% since the 1950s, and physically active jobs now only make up about 1/4 of our workforce today. We have limited perspective on the impact of these major societal changes in terms of health.

So, what is the best way to counteract the harmful effects of prolonged sitting? By adding more movement to our daily lives... It's very simple, but we need to break away from dogmas, norms, and preconceived ideas on the matter; the psychological step remains significant to overcome. It is indeed strange to consider that one can combine office work with sports training sessions. This is what I did when I started working in December 2022 on a treadmill.

After more than a year of using this treadmill, I am absolutely thrilled with this change which is a An excellent and effective way to seamlessly integrate a sporting activity into my daily routine., without having to adhere to external training programs. I walk on the treadmill barefoot or with minimalist shoes like Saguaro, quite slowly, and I cover between 5 and 8 kilometers this way, walking for several hours a day at an average speed of a few kilometers per hour.

This exercise extends over long periods gently, in an invisible but very real way. I was surprised to be able, in September 2023, to symbolically run without any particular training to the production factory of our sprouter and cover in one go the 16 kilometers separating Langlade from Méridiès in East Nimes.

My posture has significantly improved, my spine has straightened., I no longer have any back pain at all, my blood circulation has improved, a general fitness has taken place almost without me realizing it, without taking up my free time, I feel that I have a fit body.

I also made sure to set up my laptop on a Nextstand with an external keyboard and mouse so that my gaze is horizontal rather than downward, allowing me to look outside regularly to continue stimulating my eye muscles as well. A truly ergonomic workspace !

Here is what emerges from my experience and research on the subject:

Eight benefits of using a desk mat

  • Improvement of general motivation
    It's an amazing effect that I have personally observed., Working while walking significantly changes my motivation and overall energy.. Transitioning from a static, passive, and seated position to a dynamic and mobile forward-walking position has made these different notions concrete: "I am moving forward," "I am heading towards my goals." It's as if I am covering the distance that separates me from my goals. It's quite subtle, but real.
  • Improves mood and reduces stress
    Regular exercise helps improve overall mood and mental health. and subsequently reduce anxiety through the release of endorphins by the brain into your body. These endorphins reduce the perception of pain and trigger a positive sensation in the body. Psychologically, exercise increases my self-confidence, allowing me to achieve certain fitness/health goals in a "painless" way, meaning it is integrated into my daily routine without having to set aside additional time for it.
  • Promote a healthy body weight
    Walking, like any other form of exercise, burns calories. Even though it doesn't burn as many calories as running or cycling, walking still requires energy and therefore burns calories. I find that walking is gentler on the joints compared to running, which we also practice. Weight loss was not my goal and my weight hasn't changed; I have been at a stable healthy weight for decades, but I feel that my metabolism has sped up. It is certain that The use of a treadmill desk will allow those who wish to lose weight more easily.. My advice would be to start gradually to avoid ending up in an uncomfortable situation, and during the first month, alternate between sitting and standing positions.
  • Increase creativity
    Studies have shown that exercising on a treadmill is directly linked to creativity., and it is something that I confirm having experienced over time in my role as a company manager. A research(1) conducted at Stanford University asked volunteers to complete a test involving tasks such as quickly finding alternative uses for common objects, like a button. They were then asked to take a similar test while simultaneously walking on a treadmill at a slow and comfortable pace. From this, they were able to conclude that almost all the students had significantly better results. On average, the subjects were able to come up with 60% more additional uses for the object while walking rather than sitting.
  • Increase productivity
    A study conducted by the University of Minnesota (UMN) analyzed the effects of walking on a treadmill throughout the workday. They concluded that The work performance of people who used a treadmill desk for a year improved.. The study revealed that people's overall productivity and health improved with this form of exercise. The study showed that the quality of work, mental performance, and time management were better on the days when employees exercised on their treadmill.
  • Reduces the risk and helps manage type 2 diabetes
    People with type 2 diabetes have too much glucose in their blood, either because their body does not produce enough insulin to process it, or because their body does not use insulin properly. In any case, Exercise can help reduce blood sugar levels. and also help people with type 2 diabetes avoid long-term complications.
  • Lowers blood pressure
    Like other forms of exercise, walking helps to increase blood flow and improve cardiovascular health, which in turn lowers blood pressure. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, people with high blood pressure have values of Blood pressure lower for up to 22 hours after a single walking session. For people who incorporate walking into their daily schedule, they may observe reductions of up to 5 to 10 mmHg in their systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.
  • Helps maintain strong bones
    Exercises that involve weight-bearing while working against gravity in a standing position are one of the best ways to develop and maintain bone density. These can be high-impact or low-impact exercises. Here are examples of high-impact weight-bearing exercises: dancing, jogging, running, jumping rope, etc.; and examples of low-impact weight-bearing exercises include: walking, hiking, using an elliptical machine, low-impact aerobics, etc.

Here, this list is of course not exhaustive. To be thorough, I also share with you the practical aspect of this change that combines physical activity and mental activity:

Which model to choose ?

In my case, I greatly appreciate having lightweight and removable equipment, allowing for changes in the arrangement and function of the equipment in a minimal amount of space. I don't like massive furniture or appliances that cannot be moved.

Also, after reading numerous specialized articles on the subject of desks and mats with the best value for money, I chose a large desk., manually height adjustable of the brand Flexispot (which also offers electrically adjustable models), the adjustment allows you to quickly find the right height. This model allows me, if I want, to lower the table, which can function as a traditional height table/desk. This operation takes only 20 seconds.

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I also chose, after extensively studying other articles on "the best treadmills," a good quality adjustable-speed walking treadmill. This model, which is essentially part of fitness equipment or strength training equipment, depending on how you look at it, can To be converted into a treadmill if needed. I have selected the fitness equipment. Mobvoi Home Treadmill Pro (Enjoy a 5% discount on this treadmill with our code CBPOWW). I find it to have an excellent quality/price ratio, with an affordable price. It doesn't have a touchscreen, but it does have an LCD screen that shows time and distance covered, which is more than enough for me. The running belt is comfortable to use barefoot, with a quiet motor. It's a foldable model that can be folded in 3 seconds, and it has a compact design, unlike the behemoths in fitness centers, which is a real plus if you need to transport it. It is equipped with a Bluetooth speaker.

Thus, on days when the weather is too rainy, we sometimes use the indoor walking mat as a treadmill, and we have never managed to reach the maximum speed! I am really satisfied with it after a year and a half of daily use, it's a overall quiet device (treadmill AND motor) and I am demanding in this area. I use it every day when I work on the computer. I turn it upside down 3 to 4 times a month to clean it, and I add a bit of lubricant under the belt each week as soon as it becomes a bit too noisy. Additionally, it is a foldable device with a sleek design (I haven't installed the handles so I can fold it instantly). easy to handle, fold, and carry.

This desk + fitness mat combination is much cheaper than buying a combo set from a specialized retailer. Many websites offer their own combinations, but honestly, it ends up being more expensive than choosing the desk and mat separately.

In summary

Switching from a sitting desk to a standing adjustable desk took me about two weeks. Those weeks were not very comfortable, but being highly motivated, I chose to make the switch without any transition.

This change has brought me numerous benefits to my well-being, my motivation, my health, my psychology, and incidentally, I realized that I had gained athletic performance without training.. What impressed me the most is that it happened without disrupting my daily routine.

"To try it is to adopt it!" !

References (scientific studies):

1. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2014-14435-001

2. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0088620

3. https://www.acsm.org/all-blog-posts/certification-blog/acsm-certified-blog/2019/02/27/exercise-hypertension-prevention-treatment

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