Marion Brazier biovie

Marion has an initial background in Arts Management. She has traveled extensively since the age of 19, living in Europe, Asia, Brazil, and Australia! It was in Australia, in 2017, that she had a realization that led her towards yoga, meditation, holistic methods of personal and environmental regeneration, and communal living 🕉️.

With three yoga certifications (in Hatha, Ashtanga-Vinyasa, pre & postnatal yoga, and advanced traditional yoga), as well as certifications in Rebozo practices, intuitive Balinese massage, and Thai shiatsu zen massage, Marion currently offers her services in Hyères.

🥗 She joined the Biovie team in May 2020 following a Workaway experience with Eric and Aurélie that began on the first day of lockdown. She then made a transition to a raw food diet, which was a natural fit for Marion, as she has been a vegetarian for 6 years, and her stay in Langlade provided the opportunity to discover many raw cuisine recipes!

🪷 Marion now provides support in the development of projects, online training and webinars, English translations, and Biovie's international expansion efforts. She also assists with administrative tasks and supports Aurélie on her FemmaSutra project.